Adding equipment

In the menu, under Machinery > Machinery, you will find an overview of your various types of equipment along with their associated prices.

Clicking on a card of a piece of equipment will take you to more details, where you can also modify the equipment and its price. At the top, there is an option to search and sort.

Equipment can be added via the "Add Equipment" button located in the top-right corner under "Actions"

You select a category and then a subcategory. Make sure to select the correct subcategory. After saving your equipment, you can no longer change the categories, and you will need to add new equipment in case of any mistake.

There are then two options:

  • You select a brand and model from the list
  • You add a new brand and model yourself

After saving a new brand and model, this equipment will first be reviewed by a Bullswap employee. After approval, your equipment can be rented out. In the meantime, it is possible that the equipment may not be visible.

If you select an existing brand and model, we will fill in the known data for this type of equipment, and it can be rented immediately.

Adding a new brand and model yourself

If you add a new brand and model yourself, make sure to accurately fill in the properties and dimensions. Based on this information, your equipment will be assigned to a request or not, so this must be precise.

Also, add an image of the equipment. Please avoid using overly prominent logos here.

Then you can optionally upload a description and a PDF with technical details.

After saving a new brand and model, this type of equipment will first be reviewed by a Bullswap employee. After approval, your new model can be rented.

Rental Information

Next comes an important step: the price. For companies that offer equipment for direct bookings, the price without an operator is automatically used, so it must be accurate. We currently use the following pricing mechanisms.

Normal (*):

# rental daysPrice usedPrice calculation
1-4 daysdaily rateDays x daily rate
5-19 daysweekly rateDays x weekly rate / 5
20+ daysmonthly rateDays x monthly rate / 20

Sanitary + scaffolding category:

The # of rental days here always includes weekends.

# rental daysPrice usedPrice calculation
1-6 daysweekly rateweekly rate
7-27 daysweekly rateweekly rate x started weeks
28+ daysmonthly rate(monthly rate / 4) x started weeks

Modular units & storage category:

The # of rental days here always includes weekends.

# rental daysPrice usedPrice calculation
1-6 daysdaily rateDays x daily rate
7-27 daysweekly rateDays x weekly rate / 7
28+ daysmonthly rateDays x monthly rate / 28

Air conditioning category:

The # of rental days here always includes weekends.

# rental daysPrice usedPrice calculation
1-13 daysweekly rate2 x weekly rate
14-27 daysweekly rateDays x weekly rate / 7
28+ daysmonthly rateDays x monthly rate / 28

When making quotes, the equipment rates from the equipment fleet are automatically filled in. These can of course be adjusted if the situation requires (except for direct bookings).

You can choose to fill in net prices or opt to fill in your standard gross prices along with the discount you offer for Bullswap. The latter option may make it easier to apply price changes afterward. Moreover, when creating a quote, you can more easily adjust your rates by playing with your discount.

However, if your prices are too volatile and you want to avoid incorrect quotes, there is also an option to work on request. Keep in mind that with this choice, equipment can never qualify for direct bookings, and you may miss out on rental transactions.

Accessories can be added by filling in a daily, weekly, and monthly rate. Be sure that the accessories are outlined in yellow. Only then will they be added.

Some accessories are considered included and are offered at 0 euros. If you experience any issues with accessories, you can always contact us at [email protected]. Accessories use the same pricing mechanism as the associated equipment.

For the Storage location, you can either select an existing location if you've created one before, or click "Add Storage Location." All depots can be managed, modified, and deleted via Machinery > Depots.


If you have previously defined transport rates, you are required to select the correct transport class that applies to this type of equipment. 

Normally, the "Save" button turns yellow. Be sure to check if you have missed any fields if this is not the case.

Individual units info

To better track the availability of this type of equipment later, we ask for some more information about the individual equipment. You can choose from two options:

  1. Enter the number of pieces of equipment of this type that you have available.
  2. Add a unique identifier for each piece of equipment so that you know exactly which equipment is located where later. This could be a serial number or an internal ID. If this option is used, inspection and tracker information can also be linked.