Transport Rates

You can find the transport rates under Machinery > Transport. In this tab, you manage your transport rates and can limit the regions from which you wish to receive requests.

Bullswap provides the option to create "Transport Classes." Each transport class can, in turn, contain different geographical price zones.

A price zone is a collection of postal codes within which the same transport rates apply.


Voorbeeld van een transportklasse met verschillende geografische prijszones. 


    Why should I fill this in?

    1. Easier quotes: When the transport price is known, we pre-fill it, so you don't have to search for and input the price. You can still adjust this when creating a quote.
    2. Fewer irrelevant requests: When you've filled in transport rates, you'll only receive requests for rental locations that fall within the geographical zones of the transport class. In other words, you won't receive requests from France if your zones are only in Belgium.
    3. More direct bookings: Only when transport rates are filled in for the transport class of a piece of equipment can it be eligible for a direct booking. Both the rental and transport prices are automatically filled in, and all you need to do is agree. The equipment can be booked immediately, as the renter has already confirmed. (See Renting – Direct Bookings).

    Note: The rates must be accurate, as changes are not possible once the request is received.

What are Transport Classes?

Each piece of equipment has a maximum of one transport class. This class determines the applicable transport rate for each region. Read more about assigning transport classes.

The need for more than one transport class typically arises when you differentiate transport rates based on equipment type. An example would be having a transport class for equipment <2.5 tons and a second class for equipment >2.5 tons.



Transport class >2.5 Tons has the following geographical transport zones:

  • Zone 1 – Antwerp Province = all postcodes starting with BE-2
    Day rate: 200, weekly rate: 100, monthly rate: 100

  • Zone 2 – East Flanders Province = all postcodes starting with BE-9
    Day rate: 100, weekly rate: 50, monthly rate: 50

  • Zone 3 – Rest of Belgium
    No transport rates, price on request



How to add or modify transport classes


At the top right, you can add a new transport class.

  • Give it a name (only visible to your company), and then you can begin defining regions. Once you're done, don't forget to save at the top right.

(*) Tip: Start by adding your most common transport rates, not the exceptions. This will save you time if you've already uploaded your equipment.

After saving the transport class, it's important to assign the correct class to your equipment!


You can modify transport classes using the "Edit" buttons. Currently, transport classes cannot be deleted. Please contact us if you need to delete one so we can resolve it together.


Add or modify a region


A region is considered a collection of postal code zones. A single rate applies to all zones within the region. You can choose a name that makes it easy to find. Some rental companies categorize this by province.

We generally work with day rates (<5 rental days), week rates (<20 rental days), and month rates (>=20 rental days), though exceptions are possible (See "Machinery"). It's not mandatory to differentiate prices this way, but it’s an option.

A request for a piece of equipment with this transport class, located in a rental location within this region, will be assigned the day, week, and month rates defined here.

Select "Price on request" if you can't provide fixed rates but still want to receive requests for this region. Equipment with transport classes labeled as "price on request" will not be eligible for direct bookings if the request falls within a region marked as such.

! Note: When a transport class doesn't include a postal code, you cannot receive requests for that area. If you'd like to keep the possibility of receiving requests where no specific regional rate is found, be sure to create a broader region with "price on request."

! NoteTransport rates must include all transport costs, such as mileage charges.

Selecting Postcodes:

To select postal codes for a region, we use a tree structure. You can select all Belgian postcodes at once by clicking the box next to "BE."

By clicking the arrows, you can drill down to more specific levels. Checking the box next to "BE-1" selects all Belgian postcodes starting with a 1.

"BE-10" selects all postcodes starting with "10," and you can continue selecting down to the deepest level allowed. This may vary by country.

If you prefer, you can also click directly on the map to select or deselect postcode areas.

Once a region is ready, you can add another or save it.

Transport with hourly rates

If necessary, you can create a transport class where the transport rate is hourly instead of a fixed amount. Do this by selecting "Hourly rate," choosing the correct regions, and entering an hourly rate. This hourly rate is not binding and can always be changed when creating a quote. Fixed transport rates can be prioritized over hourly transport rates when assigning requests.

By assigning the correct transport class to your equipment, you won’t have to fill in day, week, and month rates when creating a quote. Instead, we’ll expect an estimated number of hours, and the hourly rate will be automatically filled in, which you can always overwrite.

When finalizing the rental transaction, we’ll ask for the exact number of transport hours. This ensures the final invoice is accurate at the end of the rental.

Note: Equipment with a transport class based on hourly rates is not eligible for direct bookings!